Below is list of resources and materials that we've found valuable in life and in the subjects that we've covered. Not every resource is directly related to a subject or topic we've covered, but most are and we hope you find these useful if you want to further explore your understanding on these various topics.

BC Tax System

Common Sense Knowledge

How to Learn & Plan

Health & Wellness:

Red Cross First Aid expanded (online PDF)

Fitness & Exercise

Government Resources

Psychology & Your Well-Being

  • You can find a counsellor in your area by searching through the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors website:, the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association:, or the British Columbia Psychological Association: to find a counsellor or psychologist to support you.
  • For further resources or questions related to counselling you can contact, or check out his website Curtis was the content creator for our Psychology & Your Well-Being Course.

Debate, Discourse & Negotiating

BC Law & Your Rights

Rules of the Road

Politics & the Political System

Career Planning


Finance & Investments
