Below is list of resources and materials that we've found valuable in life and in the subjects that we've covered. Not every resource is directly related to a subject or topic we've covered, but most are and we hope you find these useful if you want to further explore your understanding on these various topics.
BC Tax System
- CRA Videos (YouTube)
- CRA Tax Guide (PDF)
- Canada Tax Resources(website)
- Tax Rate Competitiveness (report)
- Tax systems (article)
- Basic Tax Credits (website)
Common Sense Knowledge
- Monthly budget tool (PDF)
- Cyclist Safety work book from ICBC (online PDF)
- Infographic for Pedestrian Safety from ICBC (online PDF)
- Tsunami Zones in BC (online PDF)
- Earthquake & Tsunami Guide (online PDF)
- Campfire Regulations (online PDF)
- Stoves & Campfire Regulations (online PDF)
- Backyard Burning Regulations (online PDF)
How to Learn & Plan
- Learning Style assessment #1 (online & free)
- Learning Styles Assessment #2 (online & free)
- Learning Styles Assessment #3 (online & free)
Health & Wellness:
Red Cross First Aid expanded (online PDF)
Fitness & Exercise
Government Resources
Psychology & Your Well-Being
You can find a counsellor in your area by searching through the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors website:, the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association:, or the British Columbia Psychological Association: to find a counsellor or psychologist to support you.
- For further resources or questions related to counselling you can contact, or check out his website Curtis was the content creator for our Psychology & Your Well-Being Course.
Debate, Discourse & Negotiating
BC Law & Your Rights
Rules of the Road
- Motor Vehicle Act (link)
- ICBC Drivers Guide (PDF)
- Driving Test #1 (online & free)
- Driving Test #2 (online & free)
Politics & the Political System
Career Planning
- Personality Test - Truity (online & free)
- Personality Test - 16personalities (online & free)
- Personality Test - HumanMetrics (online & free)
- Core Values Test (online & free)
- Work Values Test (online & free)
- Work Abilities Quiz - WorkBC (online & free)
- Work Abilities Quiz - JobBank (online & free)
- Career Interests Quiz (online & free)
- Career Interest Test #2 (online & free)
- Career Blueprint - WorkBC (online & free)
- Cost of Living Calculator (online & free)
- Career Guide - Indeed (online & free)
- Soviet Union Economy (article)
- Stabilization Policy (article)
- Free Trade vs Protectionism (YouTube)
- Crash Course Economics (YouTube)
- Economics in Three Lessons by Hunter Lewis (book)
Finance & Investments
- Budget Calculator - Canada (Online & Free)
- Investment Vehicles Expanded (Online PDF)
- Go Giver by John David Mann & Bob Burg - about investing in relationships (book)